I started going to the movies a lot when I signed up for Moviepass in late 2017. After they fell apart,
I thought it would be fun to take a look at the data.
"Non-premium" showings are considered to be 2D DCPs or on 35mm. Premium showings are anything that usually costs more money than regular — this includes
just about anything else (3D, chain-specific premium brands, Dolby Atmos, any variety of IMAX, 70mm, etc).
This chart doesn't include things at movie theaters that aren't movies. If it doesn't have an IMDb page, it isn't included.
Prices paid don't factor in concessions, movie tickets I bought for other people, or any addon-style donations to non-profit theaters.
If there are multiple kinds of fees (online booking fees, convenience fees, Sinemia fees) on a single ticket, they are all added together.
"Gifts" can be an invite to a free screening, it doesn't have to be someone else paying for the tickets. "Free Tickets" are tickets that were
offered as some kind of promotion or make-good.
For double features, the top-billed movie is listed at full price under whatever service was used to buy the ticket. The second-billed movie is listed
with a price of $0 under the "Double Feature" service.
General Statistics
Movies by Rating
Ratings are from Letterboxd. Only the first viewing of each movie is shown.
Premium showings (3D, IMAX, 70mm, large format) have hatched bars.
Movies by Day
Premium showings have hatched icons. Multiple movies were viewed on numbered days
Circles show theater-related events (openings, temporary/permanent closure, COVID regulation changes)
Hatched backgrounds show periods when theaters were closed or had capacity limits during COVID
Movies by Showtime
Binned in 30 minute chunks. Premium showings have hatched bars.
Midnight showings are listed at 11:59 PM on the "previous" day.
Movies by Day of the Week
Premium showings have hatched bars. Midnight showings are listed on the "previous" day
(or we could just pretend they happened at 11:59 PM)
Distance Between Release Date and View Date
The x-axis shows the number of days between the view date and the date of widest release. Only first run movies are shown.
Premium showings have hatched bars. Bars are layered for movies that were viewed more than once.
Theater Visits by Service
The x-axis shows the number of visits. Premium showings have hatched bars.